27 ago 2010

Importance of Change Management in IT Projects

Are you concious about the need of change management in IT Projects? No?

CIOs do…

Top 10 CIO Strategies 2013 (From Gartner)

  1. Delivering projects than enable business growth (mission enhancement)
  2. Expanding use of information and intelligence in operations, products or service
  3. Linking business & IT strategies and plans
  4. Leading enterprise change initiatives
  5. Developing or managing a flexible technology infraetructure
  6. Attracting, developing and retaining IT personnel
  7. Building business skills in the IT organization
  8. Building a business process centre of excellence
  9. Improving the relationship between IT and the business (relationship managers,…)
  10. Applying business performance metrics to IT

At last, projects are the way organizations deliver change

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